Tuesday, April 14, 2009

4/9/2009: Great Moments in "The Office" (double-header)

Pam: When one person freaks out, sometimes it weirdly makes the other one calmer.

Jim: I've always subscribed to the idea that if you really want to impress your boss, you go in there and you do mediocre work, halfheartedly.

Bikram: Confidence - it's the food of the wise man, but the liquor of the fool.

Bikram: I'm sorry to do this, but can you drop me back at the telemarketing building.

Pam: I was just feeling impulsive. I should have gotten a tiny tattoo on my ankle.

Michael: I do my best work when people don't believe in me... My math teacher told me I was gonna flunk out... the very next day, I went out and I scored more goals than anyone in the history of the hockey team.

Michael: We're gonna open a six-pack of whoop-ass.

Jim: She thinks that if she says "you wanted me?" enough, he will in fact want her. It's not the worst plan she's ever had.

Michael: We are in the heart of it, and the surge of water carries our business out to the sea.

Michael: They always say that it is a mistake to hire your friends. And they are right. So I hired my best friends.

Ryan: I wish my iPod could make phone calls. No, I don't want an iPhone.

Michael: I should go and start my own paper company. That'll show 'em.

Michael: I once had a dream that I was eating a peanut butter and tuna fish sandwich, and let me tell you, it was delicious.

Michael: Who would have thought that the thing that would save this company would be work and pancakes?

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