Saturday, November 28, 2009

11/19/09: Great Moments in "The Office"

This one was too much like real life to laugh at much of it. Or too real for the happy kind of laughing, anyway.

Stanley: Oh, is today Recyclops Day? I thought you were killed by Polluticorn or something.

Michael: I'm not going to do the twirl, all right? It's not even a twirl, it's a spin. I might do the spin. [Don't miss his spin later in the episode, just before he leaves the stage. I'd call it more of a pirouette.]

Dwight: If "only"s and "just"s were candies and nuts, then every day would be Erntedankfest.

Andy: In high school, I... got over 500 students to just skip the SATs... I took it anyway, got a 1220. I've always regretted it. I feel lachrymose.

Ryan: I'm such a perfectionist that I'd kinda rather not do it at all than do a crappy version.

Michael: Day 45: company saved. Day 44: go.

Jim: Your new office. How great is that, right? For a job well done. Well, not done.

Michael: I have personally won over 17 Dundie awards, so I am not a moron.

Michael: Limos are for people who make the company money. Not lose millions and have no plan.

11/12/09: Great Moments in "The Office"

Jim: I think the most worthy opponent of you is you.

Dwight: You can all have jobs at Shrute Farms as human scarecrows.

Michael: Just poopin'. You know how I be. Crazy world, lotta smells.

Jim: One of the battles that I picked was to stop Michael from running plastic tubes all over the office and placing hamsters inside of them.

Kevin: Now do the Swedish Chef!
Andy: I'm not familiar. What province is he from?

Angela: It's not my fault. I was exposed to Harry Potter.

Oscar: This plantation, we're runnin' low on greenbacks and we're havin' problems payin' the people who give us the seeds and the dirt.

Meredith: I'm the dead body, and these are my brain chunks.

Jim: If the other parent wants to play a game, it's not because they're crazy. It's because they're doing it for the kids.

Michael: Today is the hardest I have worked in a long, long time.

Pam: Get the keys out of my purse, start the car.

Friday, November 27, 2009

11/5/09: Great Moments in "The Office"

(Thanks to a misprogrammed VCR, my recording started late and I missed a good deer penis joke. Sorry.)

Dwight: That's right. You're a woman and you need to refuse food the first time.

Creed: Something's up. That paper was never supposed to arrive.

Andy: Do not test my politeness.

Michael: I am not robbing the cradle. If anything, I am robbing the grave.

Andy: I took a page right out of the ol' Shrute Book of Niceness.
Dwight: There is no book. There's only a survival guide.

Michael: I want you to enjoy your cake before I tell you this terrible, terrible thing.

Michael: You unfortunately have already completed that part of your journey down there.

Andy: What if Dwight dies and I still owe him something? That is a recipe for a ghost.

Dwight: I could have grown mushrooms that would have been this high by now.

Toby: I heard about the hit. Just be sure it's off company property.

Michael: Am I scared of getting hit in the face? No. Every day, weirdos pay dominatrixes hundreds of dollars for that very privilege. I'm scared I'm gonna love it.

Michael: I saw my entire life flash before my eyes. And guess what? I have four kids, and I have a hover-car and a hover-house.

Dwight: This is my dinner on your face. I'm keeping it!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I'm behind

Hey guys,

Work has been CRAZY. I worked more than 120 hours in the last two weeks. Fortunately, there's an end in sight within a week or two (knock on wood - anybody who deals with deadlines knows how these things go... the big deadlines often leave a bunch of little baby deadlines in their wake).

I know I owe you two weeks' worth of The Office Great Moments. I've still got 'em on the machine. Hopefully this weekend, but I'm not sure.

And I still don't have cable, so it'll be a long while before I can do season 3 recaps of Mad Men.

My parents are taping The Prisoner for me (hopefully), so I may be able to recap that... if I like it enough, and if I have time. It's hard to plan this sort of thing with the holidays approaching.

I know people are still visiting the site (and the old Ugly Betty site as well, even though I'm not updating it any more)... thanks so much for your patience.