Saturday, July 10, 2010

02/22/07: Great Moments in "The Office" - Cocktails

Michael: I cannot tell you how I plan to escape other than by using magic. That is the magician's code. Separately, on an unrelated note, if you happen to find a small brass key...

Pam: I'm going to start telling people what I want directly. So look out world, 'cause ol' Pammy is getting what she wants... and don't call me "Pammy."

Dwight: You know that line on the top of the shrimp? That's feces.

Jan: What's the upside? I overcome my nausea, fall deeply in love, babies, normalcy, no more self-loathing; downside, I date Michael Scott publicly and collapse into myself like a dying star.

Jan: Why is this so hard? That's what she said.

Michael: "No" means "please don't."

Jim: What the hell, have you dated every guy here?

Karen: Hey, Jan!
Jan: Not so good.

Michael: It's funny, I wish I could make potato salad that good. It's just potatoes and mayonnaise. There's something wrong with Jan.

Dwight: I found some termite damage in a crawl space, and some structural flaws in the foundation, so... all in all, it was a pretty fun cocktail party.

Roy: I didn't do anything. Ask anybody. I totally could have, and I didn't at all.

Michael: If this is about what happened in the bathroom, there was no place to cuddle.

Roy: I'm gonna kill Jim Halpert.

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