Monday, August 16, 2010

11/02/06: Great Moments in "The Office" - Diwali

Michael: That is offensive. Indians do not eat monkey brains. And if they do, sign me up, because I am sure that they are very tasty and nutritional.

Dwight: "I see dead people." He was dead the whole time.

Andy: We have such a roller-coaster thing, Karen and I.

Michael: I'm doin' it with Carol. Probably tonight.

Carol: I thought you said this was a costume party.

Michael: These s'mores are disgusting.

Pam: At least I'm not dressed like a slutty cheerleader, right? Is that mean?

Kelly's Dad: How long have you been married to the cheerleader?

Michael: Is your marriage the kind of thing where when you die, she has to throw herself on a fire?

Kelly's Mom: So you're saving money now to start a family and home?
Ryan: Or travel, and buy an Xbox.
Dad: Is there anything you wanted to ask us tonight?

Angela: I have to watch our shoes so they don't get stolen.

Pam: I'm rejecting your kiss.

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