Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Update - Nothing New

Obviously, I've all but abandoned this site, at least for the time being. I probably won't be doing Office "best moments" at all any more, except for maybe the old episode "Phyllis's Wedding" when I can catch it in reruns - it's the one episode I missed during the seasons when I was doing these regularly.

(You may have noticed I also started doing the first-season episodes as well, but I just wasn't able to keep up.)

I've been watching and taking notes on the last couple of Apprentices, but haven't been sufficiently motivated to recap them as the focus has continued to be on ratings-boosting personality conflicts at the expense of intelligent behavior.

I finally finished watching Mad Men season 3 this weekend, and took enough notes on the first eight episodes that it almost seems wasteful not to take notes on the other five as well and post them all before I begin watching (and maybe recapping) season 4. This might be pointless, since both seasons have already been broadcast in their entirety and can easily be rented or purchased, but like I said, the recaps are already more than half-done.

Will I recap season 4 too? That will depend on how many hits the website gets after I post season 3 and then decide if it's worth it. I don't need a huge readership to keep me motivated, but on the other hand, if nobody's reading, it might be fun to just watch the show without taking notes.

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